Kitchen renovation may be a task that requires hands-on planning and budgeting. When it begins, it will disrupt the usual routine of the household and your budget as well, so take a look at this blog and see what are the things that you must consider before renovating your kitchen.
Inspect your Kitchen
Renovating a house or even just a part can become so costly especially when it comes to your kitchen, so it is necessary that you prepare an itemized list of what will constitute the renovation whether it is partial or a full renovation. For you to know this, evaluate the functionality of your kitchen. Are there repairs? Are all your equipment working in good condition? Does it have enough space? Is it ventilated enough and so on? By eva
Prepare the Budget
After assessing your kitchen, come up with an estimate of your order of priorities. List down the materials you need, the cost of labor and some unnecessary expenses. Make sure you do not prepare an exact amount for your budget to make allowances. Estimate the cost of renovation that you have to see, what you can shoulder and what needs to be funded through taking loans. This is important so that you avoid creditors to make inquiries about your credit record which can hurt much your credit rating. Learn more here about how you can apply for loans and avoid this to happen. When you have an actual figure to prepare, it will be much easier to schedule the different stages of your kitchen renovation
Prefer Quality over Price
When out of the budget, there is a tendency to make decisions based on price and choose what seems to be cheaper. This may be right in some cases but as much as possible, you must decide based on quality. To determine the quality, it should be based on different indicators. When it comes to the construction aspects, it pertains to usefulness and durability. For kitchen wares and equipment, it must also be about durability, usefulness, efficiency, and effectiveness. In other words, it gives you lesser hassles and it serves its purpose. Quality output saves you from untimely repairs and renovations, but with quality, you may be spending a bit higher in the beginning, but it may last longer and save you from repairs.
Consider Cleanliness and Safety
The kitchen is also the part of the house which is prone to accidents and wastes. People working inside the kitchen might encounter cuts and wounds, slips and injuries, and fire. Likewise, sickness is oftentimes passed on through the bacteria and viruses obtained from foods’ raw ingredients. Therefore, you have to include kitchen safety in your renovation. This includes wide space for enough mobility especially in case of emergency. There must also be an extra drum filled with water in case of fire, and a first-aid kit in case of wounds and injuries. To avoid bacterial and viral infections, make sure there is a designated washing area for raw ingredients and for hand washing.
Have a Temporary Kitchen
You also need to consider the timeframe. Whether it is partial or full renovation, your kitchen’s normal routines will be on a temporary halt. That means you have nowhere to prepare food for the family. The extent of the renovation that you have estimated will be your basis. You can have alternative plans for cooking while your kitchen is under renovation. You may have a temporary small dirty kitchen where you can prepare the food for the family for the meantime. It is like a road under construction where you need a detour road or route.
Talk to your Trusted Contractor
Now you see that there are a lot of things to prepare. When the renovation begins, it will be difficult to talk to different people to explain everything. You might not want to discuss the details of your plan to the carpenter, plumber, painter and so on. Rather, engage through the services of a contractor who has all these manpower that you need, who can understand what you want, and who will communicate it with the workers to execute exactly the way you have planned it.
This is more convenient than talking to every one of them. This also applies when you pay the services. You do not need to produce the money for the entire project right away. Contractors have fund or capital to spend to each project that they are handling, and you just need to pay them according to the terms of your agreement. Just be cautious and make sure that you and the contractor have signed a binding agreement or a contract where stipulations are agreed upon by both parties before all these plans commence.
A kitchen renovation is painstakingly complicated. There are a lot of things to consider before jumping in and before you begin the renovation. You need to assess and evaluate every aspect of your kitchen to make sure that nothing will be left behind or to see to it that errors may be avoided. The assessment of your kitchen must be focused on the functionality and usefulness over just the aesthetic value, but of course, your kitchen must also be pleasing to the eyes, so it can stimulate good mood while cooking. A comprehensive assessment can lead to prudent budget allocation. Also, safety, security, and cleanliness must also be included in the renovation so that it will prevent accidents and injuries from happening and avoid repairs that might add up to your expenses. To help you consider all these and make it a reality, you need just one person, your contractor. Tell him everything you want, and he will discuss it with the other workers. A binding agreement can put force on it. It will be susceptible to misunderstanding and miscommunication when you are talking to many than just one person. Finally, have an alternative kitchen while the renovation is ongoing because you and your family will not stop eating while your kitchen is under renovation.