To make your camping more enjoyable and fun, you can make a box oven. In order to do that you need to know how to make a box oven for camping. The box oven is easy to make and use. They add another layer of fun to your camping experience. Cooking in the wild is often considered to be one of the enjoyable activity done by the modern-day campers. They are easy to make, and campers like to grill meat or other things at night. Although you could do that by just fire. But fire poses some threat, especially in the dry forest. To prevent any kind of unexpected event, this box oven is perfect.
They are quite efficient depending upon the maker of the box oven. They are safe and good, looking at the same time. They are easy to make, and you can make them from your daily household items.
How to Make a Box Oven for Camping
At first, you need to gather the necessary item required for the box oven. Items that are required for the box oven are given below.
Process of Making Box Oven
You can make it in different ways. But almost all of them are quite similar to each other. I will try to help you to understand how to make a box oven for camping. However, I will be explaining two way to make a box oven. Use any of the ways to make your box oven. As you can see that most of the ingredients are easy to get and home item. You should not have any trouble of finding them
The First Way to Make the Box Oven.
In this way, you will be using coal to provide the heat source.
Step 1
First of all, you have to find a box then cut the lower part of the box. During cutting the lower parts of the box, you have to remember that you have to cut in a way so that no excess part get severed in the process. If that happens, it will destroy the shape of your box oven. Then cut a door like a shape in the box. This box will work as the exterior of your oven. Then you can put one or two holes on the top side of the box. They will allow a sufficient amount of oxygen to enter into the oven, which will increase the heating of coal.
Step 2
This is a crucial step. You have to be careful to cover the whole box with aluminum foil. This is done to prevent the fire from burning the card box. So you have to make sure that you have covered every inch of the box. You can use tape or stapler to stick them with the box. You have to cover both the interior and exterior of the box. Some people rub some vegetable oil inside the box. You can do that too. If you don’t want to do that no problem.
Step 3
Now you have to fill the cans with some weight. You will need four can so that you can increase their weight with stones or other things. This is done so that they can hold the weight of your grill.
Step 4
Arrange the cane inside the box. Arrange them in a rectangular shape and put them at the four corners of the rectangular. Then insert a grill inside the box and place them above the cane.
Step 5
Finally put some coal inside the box, below the grill. Thus you have got your box oven. All you have to do is to put some meat of pizza on the grill. Then close the door of the box oven tightly so that it doesn’t open. In this way, you can make a box oven and cook in it.
Second Way of Making a Box Oven.
The initial process is almost the same for this one. You have to cut the lower part of the box then make door shape opening which can be closed later. Put some small hole on the upper side of the oven to allow the oxygen to increase the heat of the fire. The ingredients are also quite the same.
The main difference is that to make a box oven in this way, you need a grill and grill stand. You will also need some fire and wood to provide the necessary heat needed for the cooking process. The grill stand will elevate the height of the box oven, so that fire created from the wood doesn’t totally burn the food.
You have to put the box covered with aluminum foil on the grill. Then insert the food from the door like shape. Then close the door tightly. You can use tape to ensure that the door doesn’t open suddenly. Then you have to light the fire below the grill. You can check the ongoing cooking from the door. When it is done douse the fire and take out the food from the oven. I think now you know how to make a box oven for camping.
Maintain some precaution while using and making these box oven. Always make sure that all of the boxes are covered with aluminum foil. Finally, don’t leave any burning coal in the forest, it might cause a fire. Always put some water on the coal before leaving.