Do you wish to make a handle for your tactical ankle knife? Or are you as creative as wishing for a wooden made handle for your old hunting cot? It is very simple. Learn how to make a hidden tang knife handle for your tactical ankle knife.
This write-up will enlighten you! It will show you simple guides that can teach you how to make your own handle. These tips will direct you from the beginning to the end of the process.In the end, you will have something to be proud of! You have one type of handmade product that you made by yourself. You can conceal and carry your knife to anywhere at any time. If you decide you want to choose the shape of the blade you need and the sort of handle that can be used. Proceed to gather the things needed.
Things to Consider Before Deciding What Kind of Knife Handle to Produce.
There are certain things necessary for you to consider if you want to know how to make a hidden tang knife handle. Things like; what kind of stuff can it be used for, do you want it to be a functional or collectible one? Then make choice of the blades size, and also the kind of handle you wish to form. Choose how many faces your knife will have. After all these decisions, the next thing is to start planning on how to organize whatever design you want on the ankle knife. Don’t forget to arrange and polish all sections properly before attaching it to the blade.
Making a Hidden Tang Knife Handle
Prepare the base materials for the job.Get the tang knife blade you want to use.If it is a metal blade, chose a metal handle. Or whatever you want. Cut the handle in the form of the wood handle. The kits are sold online if you don’t have a kit already. Get it to assist you. After you most have finished arranging your materials, draw out the design for the handle you want to create.Buy an online tactical knife kit that has only the full tang blade and pins
Run three layers of duct or electrical tape around the blade part of the knife. Electrical or duct tape can do the magic. Masking tape can be used also, but make sure you use enough layers. Wrap the tape from the beginning of the knife to the end of the knife.Don't close up the tang. The tape should cover the blade properly. It will not let the knife hurt you, or bring epoxy on the blade. The tape will save you from being cut while working, and can also keep the blade from scratching.If you're still feeling the sharp blade,wrap more tape around the blade.
Get two pieces of the wood for your scales. Select a strong wood that is durable which is about a quarter inch thick, and a little bit bigger than your tang.For a better end product, make sure that the grain cuts across the wood length. You can get these pieces online through stores that focus on the supply of knife parts. The best knife handle comprises two halves or scales. Fix the tang between these scales. The most suitable type of wood in this kind of work includes ash, hickory, apple,and peach.The deciduous tree produced hardwood is sturdy. It is better than softwoods which are made of coniferous trees.
Cut those pins and keep the rod fixed to file it into the right length.File the pin to the desired shape. Keep them on the plywood or wax till the Epoxy glue sets. Use a tape to tie the tang and the scales together. Keep the side you want outside to face outside, and make sure you don’t fill the hole
Using a drill press drill a hole with the tang’s hole to direct you. Set down the knife to the drill plate and let the tang face upwards. Drill the hole. Fix the pin the hole and drill other holes. Drill diagonally if the holes are up to four. Fix the pins and hit to tap with a hammer.
Take the tape away and trace your tang into your scale. And trace with a marker. Cut the scales after removing the tang. Use sand to clean off and then polish the scales to finest. Clean off dirt from the tang.
Give the epoxy the thickness to stick to by scuffing the tang
Use the manual on the epoxy properly and then glue the scale to the tang using the epoxy. Then press together and fix the pins.
Put the handle and clamp it up. Clean up and let it settle. When set remove the knife but not the blade. Cut off excess pins and shape the handle with a sander and polish the scales and seal up the handle. Then take the tape away from the handle.
The above steps are how to make a hidden tang knife handle for your tactical ankle knife. Furthermore,the easiest way of making a hidden tang knife handle is by using a block wood with some of the fittings. Another method in handle creation is when a pin is added to secure the handle to the tang. With this sample, it is simple to make a hidden tang knife handle.