How to Treat Painful Achilles Tendon

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Named after the Greek hero, Achilles tendon is a common leg problem. People who run or play football, vollyball, basketball, etc. are likely to have this problem. Even girls wearing high heels on the time can suffer from this pain. You need to know how to treat painful Achilles tendon; otherwise, you will suffer a lot.

The Achilles tendon is the stretches from heel bones to the calf muscles and it’s the largest tendon. The Achilles tendon injury can be mild or severe. If it’s mild, you will feel a burning sensation in that part of leg and if it’s severe, the tendon may be torn or raptured.

If the condition is mild, you will feel the pain when you stand on your toes or stretch the ankle. In serious cases, the affected part of your leg can get stiff and swollen. You will also feel severe intstant pain. Doctors can diagnose the problem with a physical examination. A squeeze test is also conducted to see whether the tendon is torn or not.

You should wear the most comfortable running shoes in order to avoid this type of injury. Achilles shoe can give you relief. These shoes have proper cushioning, the right shoe arch, heel height and firmness. It is important to choose a shoe of the right size. You should avoid wearing shoes that don’t provide appropriate support on the heel. You should also avoid wearing shoes that have thin soles.

Advices on How to Treat Painful Achilles Tendon

You can treat Achilles tendon injury in various ways. The treatment can help to relieve your pain and reduce the swelling. You can use a combination of treatments to get relieve from the pain.

Ice Packs

It can give you immediate relief from the pain. By applying ice packs on the affected area, you can feel comfortable and less pain. You should plac ethe ice pack for 15 to 20 minutes a couple of times every day for 3 to 5 days.


The tissue needs time to heel. So, you should take enough rest. You shouldn't do any physical exercise for few weeks and take complete rest in case of severe injury.

Elevating the Foot

This can reduce the swelling on your foot. You can try elevating the foot and keeping in that position for some time to reduce the swelling and pain. You can go to a therapist or take the help of someone to lift your foot at an elevated position.

Drugs and Injections

Drugs such as ibuprofen can give you relief. If you suffer from any lever or heart disease then you should check with your doctor first before taking these medicines. Steroid injections such as Cortisone can reduce the swelling.

Compression Bandages and Kinesiology Tape

Using ankle supports can take off the stress from the tendon. Your heel will lift and you will feel comfortable walking. You can also use kinesiology tape. It is a stretchy fiber made of cotton and it can relieve you from pain. The professional athletes use this tape very often.

Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (Eswt)

This therapy can stimulate the healing process. If you don’t want to go for surgery, then you can choose this treatment option. The healing time varies from a few days to weeks.


Surgery is the last treatment option to get relieve from the pain. If your pain continue for more than six months and if the other treatments fail, then you should go for a surgery.

Physical Therapy

You can go to a physical therapist who can teach you stretching exercises to improve your calf strength and flexibility. If you continue to go to the therapist a few times, you will notice that your condition is improving.

Prolotherapy Treatment

This form of treatment uses stem cell to start the nature repair of the affected tendon. You should talk to your doctor to know whether this treatment is appropriate for your condition.

Diet Rich in Omega 3 and Collagen

You should have more collagen and omega-3 foods in your diet. They help to repair the damaged tissue.You can get collagen from bone broth. Salmn, chia seeds, etc. are rich in omega-3.

In order to prevent Achilles tendon injury, you should avoid uphill running. Also, you should try to avoid any sudden movement that can cause strain to your tendon. You must vary your exercise routine. You can alternate between swimming and running, for example. Before and after exercising, make sure your warm up for a few minutes. You should stretch everyday to keep your tendon flexible. You must wear the proper shoe so that your heel is protected.

If you suffer from Achilles tendon injury, then you must see a doctor. Leaving it untreated will make the condition severe and it will take a long time to heal.

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